Yes, we are home from retreat. The drive to Indiana did not seem as long this year but as predicted, the drive home DID seem as long :) I guess knowing that the retreat girls were not at the end of the trip made it seem long and sad.
I did not take as many pictures as I should have because of all the commotion with the tornado blowing thru and both my car having downed power lines rest on it with the tippy top of the downed tree that fell on Conni's car on top and then when the tornado hit it caused a power surge which affected my sewing machine so I had nothing to sew with from DAY 1! I had to call hubby from outside the Avon, IN Quiltery and tell him I had to go inside and purchase a new machine so I didn't have to sit around twiddling my thumbs for 4 days....
Michelle, on the other hand, took LOTS O PICTURES....go on over to her blog and check em out if you want to see some doozies.
I'll be back later in the weekend with a few pictures of projects I finished and am working on...
Hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day Weekend..... woo hoo for a 3 day weekend!!!