Another new quilting project underway called "Opening Day" by Carrie Nelson.

I love Sawtooth Star blocks not only for the simplicity of them but because they always make for an awesome quilt.
I had to decide on a fabric line once I picked the pattern and to tell the truth, it was not a hard decision. Every time I look at my shelf with my fabrics, I always look at this bundle....
It's called "Farmer's Daughter" by Lella Boutique.....
It took no time at all to start cutting up the bundle and making some headway on the stars....
I made the black stars and then today I made up some pink ones. I think this is going to be a fast quilt to assemble. I cut out the pink and yellow fabrics today so they'll be assembled hopefully tomorrow and Thursday. I need 36 stars!
Hopefully I'll have some progress shots later this week. Stay tuned!