Our mini vacation to Marathon/ Key West was mostly a "RESTING" vacation. We took the first 2 days there and just slept in, went to the pool, sat on the dock with an afternoon tea, and pretty much relaxed.

The 3rd day there we decided to venture in to do little touristy things. Over the 7 mile bridge we went and hopped the "CONC TRAIN" for a wonderful 90 minute tour. You could hop on and off at 3-4 different stops along the way but we pretty much just stayed on and enjoyed the sights.
Isn't this cute?

We saw the Truman White House, Ernest Hemmingway's house, cute, cute, cute purple, pink, yellow and green houses, all with gingerbread on them and our tourguide had a story about the house, the tree out front or SOMETHING throughout the ride.
This light purple house was one of my favorites.
NOW....I did get excited at one point when I turned the corner and found this fabric store sign. I immediately texted "the girls" with a "LOOKIE" only to be very disappointed when I looked in the window and the store was deserted!
Didn't they know I was coming to Key West? GEESH!
We had dinner at "Sloppy Joe's" which was a restaurant that Ernest Hemmingway frequented almost daily while he was alive since "JOE" was one of his best friends. We did have the traditional "Sloppy Joe" sandwich with cheese fries and a salad and lemme tell you, the food was AWESOME!
After the tour, some shopping and eating, we decided to make one more stop.....The Southernmost Point of the US.... We did get on line to get our picture taken but the line didn't move and it was HOT standing out there in over 80 degree weather so we got off line and grabbed the best picture we could....
We came home Friday night to gorgeous weather here in New Jersey and not surprisingly, I'm happy to be home sleeping in my own bed and getting reacquainted with my new sewing room....
Back to school tomorrow :(