There are lots of new babies around here these days. I feel like I've spent the majority of my summer making them all a quilt, sending them out for quilting then getting the binding on them all......It's been busy and crazy but it's all for good reasons!
One of the special babies was this one....
Her name is Shelby Grace and she's my niece Shannon's first child. The doctors and Shannon were all expecting a teeny tiny baby since Shannon's not a big girl, but Shelby came into the world on Friday, July 29 a whopping 9 lb. 4 oz. and took everyone by surprise. She's beautiful and we are so happy to have you in our lives. My sister is now a happy grandmother!
My best friend from grammar school is going to be a new grandmother again too. Her son Tommy has a 3 year old daughter with twin girls on the way in September. I'd been cutting up rectangle scraps and a white with a black square fabric for background for another quilt so I cut enough to make some scrappy twin quilts.....
They turned out sooooo cute and I just love the turquoise bubble like backing fabric. I know most people will give babies pink, purple, and flowery things so I went with something a little different. I mailed them out on Thursday so I'm hoping to hear soon that they arrived safe and sound.
I had another finish this week too...... It's a Bonnie and Camille quilt called "Swiss". I used all of their red fabrics with a solid white for the plus sign. I actually started this quilt back in June I think. I went gung ho cutting and making the units.......then it sat and sat. I realized on Thursday that I didn't have anything that was for a deadline so I looked around and that pile caught my eye immediately. I was done and had the back squared up by yesterday morning and to the quilter it went!
I just love it!
The next new finish was a quickie scrap quilt that I assembled Friday night for my friend Ingrid in Texas. Ingrid lost her mom to cancer last year and got a lot of support from the Ronald McDonald House for her extended family. When trying to decide what she could do for them she realized that her quilting reached a lot of people both on blog, Facebook and Instagram so she started collecting blocks and making quilts for them. I've sent 1 or 2 a month all year for her but with all the other things I was doing I totally forgot to get one out to her so when I saw her post that she was going to be short for September I took the remnants of the last baby quilt and just made a scrappy top for her, grabbed some yardage for the back and cut out some strips for binding and shipped it off to her yesterday. She'll sandwich it and finish it up.

I hope to rummage one day this week into my stash and come up with 2-3 more and whip some up. I love that I'm able to help some sick children at a wonderful place! I could hook you up with Ingrid if anyone out there has some tops you don't need and don't know what to do with....or if you have some blocks you want to get rid of, just message me and I'll get you the information!
This next quilt is an update on my "Lucky" quilt from July 13th's post.........
The way I have this quilt on the design wall is the way the pattern is written.
I really love how it looks even with the cornerstones missing but I want THIS quilt for me and I have a king size bed. This quilt is only 66 across which is way too small for a king so I spent a couple hours yesterday cutting out more solid and white squares, drawing lines and cutting hst's apart.
I now have to press and trim so I can assemble approximately 16 more blocks.
I have a lot of leftover solids for the cornerstones and sashing strips so I'm all good for making a larger quilt. What I will have to decide is do I want a solid back or a nice print? I think if I see something "print" that I like I'll get it but I'll have to do some searching......
Well, I think that's it for Sunday morning.......I'm off to do some pressing and trimming!
So, as I say goodbye, I'll leave you with an updated picture of Olivia doing what she loves best....dishes! We will have to show her this picture when she gets older and remind her how much she liked doing them at 20 months! New sister will be here the last week of October.....can't wait to see how she reacts to her!
We have tickets to see Paul McCartney tonight at Giant Stadium!!! I can't wait......I've always wanted to see him! Hoping I can get some good pictures....check back tomorrow!
Have a nice Sunday!