Saturday, July 26, 2008
Leaving on a jet plane
I will be back on Saturday August 2nd so get lots done and I'll see you then.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
By the Sea

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Patchwork Party 2008

Punkin House Finished......well almost

Yes, my Punkin House is finished.....well, almost. I have the top assembled but I don't have backing fabric nor do I have the batting so I will have to set it aside for now and when I get back from vacation I will buy both.
I'm so happy Kristie challenged me to finish the top because otherwise it would still be sitting in the ziploc bag in the bin....out of sight out of mind they say.
Now I think I'll go work on a little somethin to send Kristie as a thank you for the challenge :)
Tea anyone?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Who do ya love?

I have truly been blessed the past 2 days (I don't know if my checkbook would agree but I feel that way and isn't that all that matters? LOL)
I received an Amazon box today with my new Jelly Roll book and 2 books I wanted to take on vacation with me to Florida on the 26th......NICE!
Then I got a package from Main St Cotton Shop with my Room by Room project which is the Star Flower Wall Quilt kit and my Pint Size Traditions kit which is the Pumpkin House kit...
Yesterday the mail carrier brought me the templates, a block kit, and the finishing kit for my Patchwork Party 2008 blocks..... I can tell you, I am one happy girl today... Now, to get it all stashed away somewhere before hubby comes home and sees it all :)
They are the "Truly Scrumptious" BOM from Cinderberry Stitches.
I stayed up till midnight last night finishing the lettering on the one on the left. Then I got up at 6:30 this morning and pressed them both so they could pose for a picture.
I better go do some rearranging in my room so I can get these packages hidden before the boss gets home from work....
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Challenge Update

I did ask myself why I put the darn thing away last year but I couldn't come up with a really good answer.
Since i'm caught up with housework I think I'll work on the side fencing units.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I've been issued a challenge
Sunday, July 6, 2008
All Roads Lead to the Sea

I did unit 1 today, which is the upper left hand corner of the quilt.
The cutting of the unit was quite a challenge but once all the pieces were cut and laid out the assembly went very quick.

The background looks a little odd in this picture but it's really cute fabric with it looks like seagulls flying all around. Now I have to wait a whole month to get the next unit....
A little bit of sewing

Saturday, July 5, 2008
"Catch Up" day

Runner is done
After that was done I cleaned up a little and in moving things around on my cutting counter I found a pile of fabric I pulled out of a cabinet back in May. It was time to do something with it or just put it back in the cabinet...Guess what I made? A cute petscreen project bag-----Doesn't the pirate on the right with the red headband look like Johnny Depp in Pirates? LOL
I have no idea what I will do with this bag but I am open to some suggestions...................
Finally, earlier in the week my friend Michelle sent me a picture of a shelf she'd picked up at the thrift shop she was managing and she had pincushions on it. I said to myself "self...isn't there a shelf something like that upstairs under sonny boy's bed?" up I went and lo and behold there it was... So, I dusted it off and hung it right inside my sewing room and being the copycat that I am, I put some of my favorite pincushions on it.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Here's what I did tonight

Here I go Again
Here for you folks that missed it is a picture of what I saw yesterday morning as our cruise ship pulled into New York Harbor on our return from Canada. It is an absolutely awesome sight at 7am! I wish the picture was clearer but in retrospect, the morning fog hadn't lifted yet so it is what it is....