I think since it's early I might work on a few Christmas "surprises" for some lucky girlies I know.
I couldn't wait to take a picture of this quilt....This is the 2nd of 4 that I'm having quilted... Isn't this the cutest? I really enjoyed doing these little log cabins and churn dash blocks over the year or two that we did them but I enjoyed setting them more.Thank you Michelle for loaning me a few of your leftovers so I could get them set and not have to stop and make more of each.....and for giving me the idea on how to set them...
I thought I might have a picture somewhere of Michelle's top but if I do I can't find it......
I am going to do myself a favor tonight before I put it off and then never do it....I'm going to cut the binding and have it all ready for when it's done being quilted.....
I am off from work for 6 whole days....Today and tomorrow are teacher's convention and then we have Veterans Day off...I don't go back to the working grind until Wednesday the 12th...can you hear me cheering here?
So, one of the blogs I check every day is Pat Sloan's. She has an interview with one of the Piece O Cake girls and also has some pictures of her quilts...Well, I gotta have this one:
This is the cutest quilt I think I've ever seen!!! I love the ice cream cone house and the barn just below Santa.... I am thinking it might be a ton of work but a little bit o work every few weeks would make for short work now wouldn't it?
Has anyone out there actually done this quilt??? Wonder if I should write to the designer, maybe she's got an extra hanging around she'd like to donate to me? LOL
I love how my yard looks when the leaves change different colors when it cools off.
We actually had snow one day during the week but nothing accumulated in my neck of the woods, other parts of NJ did get a lot and I'm told it accumulated! I am anxiously awaiting our first snow storm!!!
Here's what I'm working on.....
Lemme see if I can get all the facts straight on this....Back I think in 2006 Michelle sent Robin and I the pattern and fabric every month to do this "Ramblin Rose Meets Jamestown" BOM. The fabrics are gorgeous but I got bogged down crabbin and complainin that I had to do something like 23 or 24 log cabin blocks. I got half done, school opened, the bag of fabric and blocks got shoved into a cabinet and there they stayed until about 6 weeks ago. At that time I was searching for something else and came across 2 unmade blocks. I made one and then half made the other..... Today in my cleaning frenzy I found the half made block on top of the fabric and decided I'd set them, if I could! I laid the blocks out on pointe and then started playing with the log cabins, which happened to fit nicely, and only had to fix 1 block (can you see which one?) Michelle C found it and alerted me to it before I had sewn too far on the top... I auditioned a green for the first border and the black for the final border. Only thing I didn't foresee is not having enough of the tan floral to make the 4 corner triangles so I quickly ordered that (thank heavens a shop online had enough) and now to wait and see when that comes. I'm hoping to finish the top assembly tonight and since I am off Thursday and Friday for teachers convention, I can maybe attach the borders then.....
How has your weekend been?