Sunday, April 5, 2009

YUP, It's Springtime on the East Coast

Yes, I think we can say it's finally springtime here on the East Coast..... My weeping willow tree has buds on it which I am sure will be in full bloom this time next week and oh yeah, in case any of you west coasters want to come east and visit, the "Naked Cowboy" is back at his post in New York City!!! I saw him at his post last Sunday.....


Laura-IH said...

Whoa! What the heck?!?!? That was NOT something I expected to see on your blog, Peggy! I am trying to imagine you surreptitiously taking his picture! LOLOL!

Laura-IH said...

I had to come back and look again. I can't believe you posted that! LOL! Is it cold there? Everyone else looks so bundled up!

Michelle said...

Laura is so funny! I've seen that guy on TV or somewhere...Is he looking for tips or something? LOL