I took some liberties with the borders since I wanted a wider blue border than the designer had planned and I didn't have the big floral she used on her border but I did have a smaller floral, but other than that, I have the same quilt. Off to the quilter it goes tomorrow afternoon!!! It was hard to get a good picture but I think you can get a good idea of how beautiful it looks...
Also, Robin is OBSESSED with Halloween and all the decorations than come with the holiday. She's made her halloweenie list and I am sure she'll make the time to get to all of them. I don't know that I've ever met anyone quite like Robin....I can only imagine what her house looks like at Halloween...... I started this runner in May and finally got the borders on it and ready for quilting....Can't have Robin doing "Halloweenie in August" all by herself now can we? :)