As promised, I'm having a blog giveaway. While organizing my embroidery bin yesterday I found that I have 2 of the same pattern. It's called "OLD GLORY" by Crabapple Hill. I LOVE Crabapple's patterns but I really don't need 2 of the same pattern so here's a chance for YOU to own this pattern too. I've put together the necessary floss, floss bags, beads and needles. All you need is the time to do the embroidery and make the pillow. Here's what you have to do....Post a comment guessing my birthday and the closest to the actual date will be picked.
I will be picking the winner on August 22nd! PS: it is not 8/22, and I have not celebrated yet this year.
Hi Peggy, Oh how fun, I was just surfing stitching blogs and came across yours! Hope it's ok to enter your giveaway, cute idea and so easy with just 365 days to pick from. And the odds of the first comment being right hmmmm, ok my guess is August 22?
LOL, Peggy -- great idea for how to determine a winner. Congratulations on your almost 200th post! I won't enter because I know I won't be doing this kind of stitching, but I just had to say 'good luck' to everyone who is interested. It's a lovely pattern.
Hi peggy...I will say the 20th...happy birthday whenever it is!
Okay -- I will guess Sept. first.
I know the answer to this one, but I'm not sayin'!!!! LOL!!!
Dec 22!
I'm guessing October 10th??? :) Barb.
Love your blog! What a great idea for a giveaway. I am going to guess November 15th.
I am hosting a giveway too, if you would like to take a peek!
I'll say November 1. Very nice of you to do this giveaway and put the floss and other "neededs" together for this pattern!
What gorgoeus blocks! I hope you get the rest of the fabric soon. Your birthday? December 22... Claire
Ohhh, I snuck a peek (you know where) and my guess is 12/22. How neat that you are including floss, needles and the other goodies. Yay for blogging!
I know when it is too, happy birthday, several months in advance! I won't enter since it wasn't a guess as much as it was a little detective sleuthing. :)
My guess is November 21st!!!
Hello Peggy,I just deleted my post,I guessed 22 August,but I just re-read that you wrote it isn't that date. I would say it might be November 1st,whichever day it is have an extra special time. Happy days.
Peggy, I'm guessing December 22. I love Crabapple Hill patterns and have done many so I hope I win!
Great fun! Please enter me too! How nice of you to give away the thread too, the pattern by itself is a great gift for the winner!
Agneta i Uppsala, SWEDEN
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