Michelle, Robin and I are all working on Gail Pan's "Busy Little Christmas Elves" embroidery blocks and we're all doing them in a different colorway. Michelle is doing hers in red, Robin is doing hers in teal, and I'm doing mine in a variegated green. I guess for about a month now once I shut the sewing machine down at night I will sit till almost midnight stitching on my little blocks so I have quite a few done. I'm sure once Michelle returns from her trek across the country she'll have a couple more done too. Robin is only doing hers in between her crows, christmas wishes and a variety of other projects. Well, I decided I'd assemble what I have and got the first row finished earlier tonight. The fabric that I chose as the focus is a white with Christmas lights in multiple colors of green and red so I figured I could use both red and green fabrics in my assembly. If assembled as the instructions are written, the quilt will finish up to be 56 x 56. I'm off to start the assembly of row 2 now.
Oh, Peggy! That is so cheerful!
Very perky! And a big thank you! I received my winnings. Penny was with me and loved it also.
VERY cute Peggy! That is going to be one cute Christmas quilt.
Looks great...it will be nice to see them all when they are done...I love to see individual variatiions on a theme!
This is going to be a GREAT quilt! Nice work...as always!
This is really special, Peggy!
wow, how lovely to visit your blog and see your are making my elf quilt!! Looks fantastic!
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