Have you seen this pincushion on "Bee in my Bonnet" blog? I think everyone who saw this fell in love with it. I wrote to Bee and asked her where she found the little chairs and she told me but she also warned me that she's gone in search of them again too and couldn't find any more :(
I've been searching since probably November for them thinking that this time of year the Michaels stores and other craft supply places would have them....but no, none to be found.
If anyone out there in blogland sees these cute little chairs, would you email me? Thanks.....
I have a list...........Actually, I have a lot of lists. I make a list the first of every month of "The Top 3" items that I'd like to work on. I have a list of "2011 Quilting Goals", I have a "UFO Challenge List" and I even, if you can believe it, have a list of all kits, bag o blocks, ufo's, BOM's etc...yes, everything I buy and store away I list. I love lists! List making however, only works in my sewing room...I don't make lists for anything else.
So...The first few days of the month I'm all about what I
have to do and I'm pretty much focused....then I get an email or a
text "LOOKIE". I groan just a little bit and wonder to myself "what is Robin or Michelle sending me now". This week was no exception, and it was only 6 days into the month!!! Michelle had gone looking thru her UFO list and found she had some Buckeye Beauty blocks on her list and laid hers out and sent a picture of how nice they looked laid out on her design floor. I said to myself "Self..you have those blocks too!" and the search was on. I did find my bag o blocks and laid mine out on my design floor and then I proceeded to pull together all the parts that were in the bag with the already made up blocks

so now i'm on a roll and assembling my Buckeyes too.
THEN Michelle got invited to a mini retreat about
an hour from home and was told to bring some 1-1/2 inch scraps with her. And today, not 4 days after the other LOOKIE email what do I get today? another email with a picture of what she did this afternoon with herscraps and some fancy

schmancy pineapple ruler. And to add to it, she is buying Robin and I a ruler and told us about a book we HAVE to get to go with it... AYE CARUMBA!!! These "sisters" of mine are supposed to be helping me finish up what I already have started NOT get me involved in new projects...
I guess I will just have to quit my day job and stay home and sew, that's all a sister can do when challenged with new and very interesting projects.
I'll get back to you on what hubby has to say about that tidbit :)