Yes, this has been a banner week for binding. Never, ever, never, have I started and finished binding 2 quilts in one week. Anyone that knows me knows that the binding is my least favorite part of the quilting process, but once in a blue moon I get on a roll and just "git er done".
First off, this black and white Yellow Brick Road quilt was assembled back in April or May and then just sat. The baby (Rylin) that it was made for was born the first week in August and still it sat. I sent it to Michelle for quilting and it came back finished and sat too. Finally I was embarrased at seeing Rylin and her mom in school one day last week and decided that enough was enough. I started it Sunday and finished it Tuesday. Got it washed and dried and took a picture today since the sun was back out.....
This next quilt....OMG, I assembled at retreat in May of 2010. It's all stash flannels!!! I had it quilted almost immediately upon coming home from Indiana...and then it SAT! We had a few chilly nights last week so I KNEW I had to get it bound and washed so we could snuggle up with it. That got done and it too got washed on Tuesday night.
I actually took it for a test drive on the couch this afternoon when the temps dropped and it did the trick! Put me right into la la land :)

I'm happy to say these 2 are done, 3 more to get binding tacked down, and 2 more quilts off to the quilter....I best get my butt moving!!!
Below is a fat quarter bundle of "Nine Dots" by Henry Glass.
Nice yellows, pinks and a spot of grey. I need to figure out a nice pattern to showcase the gorgeous fabrics......I'll keep you posted on the progress :)