I promised myself last night that I was going to attempt to catch up with a few sew alongs today and I think I did a good job keeping that promise.
Before I start I just wanted to show some pictures from Sunday. I bought my husband tickets to see "Rain"- A Beatles Tribute show for his birthday back in January. We'd seen the show before in New York City and if I could have gone back the next day I would have...it was that good. When he saw that the show was going to be here in New Jersey, he told me that he thought it would be a great birthday gift. We only live about 45 minutes from the Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank so the drive up was easy....the only drawback to going to this theatre is parking. There is never enough and let me tell you, after the snow started to melt, it was MESSY! BUT, the show was wonderful!!!

We were treated to songs and video from the Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show and then while we were watching film clips, the singers changed into various costumes leading right up to their last album. What was interesting to me is there were people there under 21 and people in their 70's and all were singing, clapping, dancing and all were equally enjoying the show. If you ever have the chance to see this show, you should!
Now, onto my "catch up" sewing today.
I'm doing a "Red Sky At Night" quilt along which is 1 block a week so I did this week's block which looks hard but let me tell you, it was just HST's, 2-1/2 inch squares and some rectangles.
This is only week 5, and we're going until November so I'm going to have an AWESOME quilt when it's done!
Then I did my churn dash block for week 8 in the 52 Week Churn Dash Challenge on Instagram.
I made an extra block "just in case" I get tied up for some reason over the next few weeks/months with kitchen remodel, wedding, vacation etc....
Lastly, I'm in a Birthday Club with some really nice girls on Instagram. The birthday girl filled out a questionnaire with her likes/dislikes and we send a little package to her for her birthday month.
Our March girl loves mini quilts, table toppers and is a Lori Holt fan, so this morning I whipped up a Great Granny Square block from Lori's book and even used up some squares from her line of fabric.
I'm not done with it yet....trying to decide if I want to put a border on or just quilt it as is....
I've set it aside for now to try and decide.
Time to get out my Fig Tree fabrics and catch up with my Women of the Bible blocks. Sadly, I think I may be about 6 behind but since hubby is out of town for the night I might just stay up and sew and get them done. If so, I'll be back tomorrow with that update!