YEAH....I sewed this week. I should explain why this is a milestone... I have to be in work at 7am every day so I have to get up at 5:15. By the time I get out of work and run any errands, make dinner, eat and clean up, it's usually 7PM. I have to watch Jeopardy and by then I'm yawning and all I want to do is lay on the couch. This week though I started to seriously take my vitamins, eat more fruit instead of chips and ice cream, and I'm going to bed a little earlier.... I have been able to sew each night for a little bit...which makes me happy.
So, that out of the way, I decided to make my mother a fall tablerunner so I could give it to her when she comes to NJ from Florida in about 3 weeks. I don't remember who forwarded me the pattern but I know I downloaded it from someone's blog. I think the designer had it for free on her blog. Anyhoo...I cut it last night and assembled the center and tonight I put the red border and outside borders on. It was a fairly easy runner to make and fun!!!
Tomorrow I'll run and get some batting and sandwich it so it can be quilted. Michelle made one too in a Halloweenie print and hers came out super cute too.....She's not blogging about it since it's a present for someone special that reads her blog ......
Happy Friday everyone!!!
Here's a picture of my first 3 blocks.............
My baby turns 20 tomorrow, Tuesday, September 9th! I don't understand how I could possibly have a 20 year old....I'm not sure I'm old enough :)
This will be the first time we are not together on her birthday since she's in Pennsylvania and we are in NJ but hubby and I will take a ride up to Penn late Friday night and then we'll pick her up and take her for breakfast Saturday morning and then spend the day at Hershey Park.
Oh, BTW, the picture at the left is me with my oldest, Jen, and the birthday girl in white... I'll miss you Sarah, but we'll see you soon....Have the bestest day!!!!
Love MOM