Every year someone in one of the Yahoo quilt groups that I belong to runs a UFO Challenge. It's supposed to help you "finish em up". You can send the hostess only 15 projects, but they must be bags o blocks, a finished top that needs quilting and binding or in some sort of "in the process" condition. Heaven knows I have a lot of each so I joined again this year. I have 3 large quilts on the list, the snack quilt on the most previous post has to have the rows finished then assembled and borders put on, the black/white/turquoise quilt needs quilting and binding and the Fig Tree quilt needs quilting and binding soI will only have 12 projects on the list because on top of the 3 large quilts, I picked 3 bags of blocks projects that I have no idea what I'll do with them to begin with so I knew I should stick with 3 large quilts, 3 bags of blocks and then the
other 6 smaller projects.

I really love doing these challenges because it gets me off my duff and into the challenge mode, something I need every once in a while.
Looks like you will have a most productive year!
I didn't know you didn't finish your snowman runner yet! Get 'er done! :)
You appear to be very organized, so I think you will get them all done.
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