See these 3 girls? My husband and I always called them the 3 Amigos because whereever you found one you found the other two. This picture is from 8th grade promotion.
They met in kindergarten in 1989 and have been together ever since......
My daughter Jennifer is the one on the right with her 8th grade diploma in her hand. Samantha is on the left in the white dress and Elyse is in the center.
These 3 have done EVERYTHING together starting with dancing school, softball, school activities etc. Jen has moved to 3 different states over the years but that hasn't stopped the girls from visiting and keeping in touch. They are "BEST FRIENDS".
About 3 years ago Samantha got married to JJ. Jen was in the wedding as the maid of honor and JJ's cousin Tim was the best man

Since that day in 2009, these two have been inseperable too. Jen fell in love and went on a journey with Tim, again packing up and moving to Maryland to live with him and start their relationship.

Tonight, these 3 will celebrate Jennifer's bachelorette party by having all the girly girly things like manicures, pedicures, makeup, a nice dinner and then some partying .
Samantha (left) is married and the mommy to Gwen, who will be 3 years old in October and Elyse is going to be a mommy herself in August....and my baby(center) will be a married woman on April 27th!!!!!
They sure have grown up to be beautiful girls haven't they?
I'm so proud of these girls..........
OH...and as another interesting tidbit, Jennifer and Samantha were both born on May 1st 1984 and will now have the same last name.....what more could 2 besties ask for?
Have fun tonight girls!