I should have more to report on but for some reason I just don't. I got 3 baby quilts assembled but need to get the backings prepped. Seems that there are a lot of new babies coming this year and I'm always getting requests for more from family members so I feel like it never hurts to have a few ready to go at any time :)
With that said, this pattern
has been sitting on a shelf in my sewing room for quite a while....maybe even 2 years. I don't know why it's been sitting, it's a cute pattern AND it was already kitted!!! You would think that having the kit it would move me to assemble it quicker but it didn't.
I did however decide that today was the day to get it cut and get the assembly started. It calls for 182 half square triangles so today I did the cutting and line drawing so I'm on my way...... Anyone out there ever make this quilt?
I totally understand having something ready to go, but not getting to it. Being between two places in the summer apparently buried an entire bin of fabrics I intended to use for making a bag. The new pattern was packed in the bin with the fabrics, and I completely forgot about the project! I think the culprit for us is too many ideas at once.
I love this pattern~
and the fabrics~
I love that pattern Peggy. Can't wait to see it.
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