Thursday, December 31, 2009
Cobblestones Update

Monday, December 28, 2009
Cobble Stones Update

Gotta love Christmas break from school. You can get up and move at your own pace and either clean, cook or sew. I did a little bit of everything today. I did some running around in the morning, made a BIG pot of spaghetti sauce with meatballs and sausage then after lunch i did laundry and sewed these 30 blocks. They are the Cobble Stone blocks that are the main part of the Fig Tree project I was working on yesterday. Now, I need to read the next step to see how to do the assembly. Stay tuned.......
Saturday, December 26, 2009
What Have I Been Doing All Day???

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Could it be my birthday every day?

Monday, December 21, 2009
An Early Birthday Present

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas


Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow, snow and more snow

Saturday, December 19, 2009
The final 2 finishes for 2009

Then I put the last 2 rows on this quit that is called "Picture This" from the HAPPY HOUR book by Atkinson Designs. I had a fat quarter packet of all these black/white/turquoise fabrics and when I cleaned out my cabinet I found a lot more so I made the quilt in Queen Size and will give it to my daughter for her birthday on May 1st. It feels good to have a jump on a birthday present when I should be worrying about Christmas presents but heck, a gift's a gift....

I didn't have any "quilt holders" to help hold it up so I had to take what I could get and just lay it out on the floor.
Now to clean up my sewing room and put all the scraps in the bin, fabric away and shut the iron down.
How's everyone enjoying their weekend?
LOOKIE what we woke up to today
Saturday, December 5, 2009
An Early Christmas Present

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Aye Carumba

So, how many of you out there do block of the month's with your favorite shops? I like to do them with the shop in town but when I don't have one going with them I like to do the ones that Main Street Cotton Shop offers. This year I was doing 3 with them...I know, I know OVERKILL. But, I couldn't just pass any one of the 3 up. I was expecting that BOM this week but when it didn't come Tuesday I said, "ok, it will come Wednesday"....well, I was getting ready to go out when I saw UPS stop out front. My man in brown did NOT bring my customary white tyvek bag up from Main Street so I was a little disappointed...I wanted my BOM's dammit!!! So, I went out and brought in the boxes which all had hubby's name on them EXCEPT for the bottom big box that had my name on it.... OMG, a BOX from Main Street... I was so excited!!! The November projects were bigger than the others this year so I was blessed with a BOX O Fabric!!!YEE HAW!!! I now have "Winter Stars" quilt kit with backing, The Welcome to the Table Club is called "Christmas Flower Square" table topper with a thank you for joining which is a Twice the Charm roll, and one of the quarterly club kits called " Christmas Brick Walk" and backing fabric, which is a big ornament print and you add bricks around it with 2 borders. The new Thimbleberries fabrics are just wonderful so that might be the next project I start this weekend... Now to find some time to get all of these blocks of the month done....
I have also done some sewing on a project for a Christmas exchange with my Backporch Friends online group but I can't show you yet what I made 'cause Christie might just peek and I don't want the surprise to be ruined. I have to mail it by December 3rd so once it's mailed and I'm sure Christie has it in her hot little hands then I'll post a picture... In the meantime, how's everyone doing?
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009
Are they cute or what?

1 Down, a LOT more to go

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Donation Quilt

Happy Saturday

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Big Bertha is Finished

Yes folks, Big Bertha is finished. Had her all clipped to the clothesline real nice and as I went to click the picture, a very slight breeze blew in and sent it waving but it's the best picture I could get today.
I now know why Karen called the quilt "BIG" Bertha...this gal is huge!!! Now I need to get a backing for it and figure out how it should be quilted.
And just in case you were wondering...Yes, I do work, but I've been off for 2 days with the itchy scratchies on the backs of both legs. Went for blood work this morning to determine whether the bumpies are from a virus associated with the head cold I have or chicken pox. I say it's a virus but the good doc will let me know tomorrow...
I got yet, 2 more quilts back yesterday that need bindings attached so I think I best devote a little time to them today and get the bindings done...the tacking down can get done while I'm vegging in front of the TV at night.
Monday, October 19, 2009

12 days till Halloween blog giveaway
12 Days till Halloween blog giveaway...You don't want to miss this one!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
One Wedding Picture

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Home and working on a new project

Thursday, October 8, 2009
To Market To Market

Monday, October 5, 2009

Well, today I got my stash back......

I got round ones, I got one that is an iron, I got a bird, a flower, a cake in a bag and a cherry tart... I LOVE each and every one.
I'm already to start making for the next swap round, but I think I better not suggest that until after the first of the year....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sewing Room

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Twice the Charm

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Can it really be 21 years ago today?
Friday, September 4, 2009

What's everyone doing for the holiday weekend?
We leave around noon tomorrow (Sat) to take my youngest to college up in Rhode Island. It's a long boring ride from NJ so I have some woolfelt pincushions cut for buttonholing, a book, and thanks to Vickie, I have the new QUILT SAMPLER to read and browse while riding in the car.
Stay safe and enjoy the weekend. I'll be back Sunday night.
Blog Giveaway
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Another One Bites the Dust
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I'm working on another one

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Aple Orchard Runner