It's almost that time of year again where we wish health and happiness to our friends, neighbors and others that we come in contact with. I'd like to say Happy New Year early to all my blogging friends out there and wish you all a great 2012.
I have a few personal goals this year, one of which is to get into better shape personally and on a sewing front, I'm going to continue making my "Big 3" list with Robin and Michelle. The list kind of keeps me accountable in the sewing room.
Last year I made those Art to Heart minis for my mom every month and it felt so good accomplishing that and getting them mailed to her in Florida. This year, I am hoping that every month or every 6 weeks at least I can assemble a charity quilt top. Heaven knows I have bags of blocks and charm squares/coins etc. cut up and all ready for assembly so I'd like to keep myself focused on charity for 2012.
NOW...I know I may fall off the wagon somewhere along the road but I'm really going to try...and with luck all my BFF's will keep me focused.
Here's to a Happy, Healthy New Year and all of 2012 to everyone!!!