My friend, Conni, recently tagged me for the "Honest Scrap"! It is my duty to reveal 10 honest things about myself that I have never blogged about, as well as list 5 addictions. Then I'm to tag 5 of my blogging friends to do the same.
OK, lets start with the 10 things I've never blogged about:
1) I am petrified of snakes
2) I don't like loud music, tv or loud places
3) I don't drink alcohol
4) I start new projects before I finish old ones (ha ha ha...like I'm the only one in the world...)
5) I have lived with the same man, aka Al, aka Big Popi, aka my husband for 30 years
6) I weighed 89 pounds when I got married. I probably weigh twice that now....
7) I love sappy Hallmark movies
8) I love to read
9) Can't drive further than 2 hours before I need a nap...ask Robin, she'll tell you :)
10) I don't like to cook
5 Addictions:
1) Bagels ( I could survive on bagels with peanut butter or toasted with butter)
2) Hot Tetley Tea (NO...I do not drink flavored tea, only Tetley)
3) The internet/reading blogs/shopping
4) Cleaning my house
5) Grilled chicken sandwiches
OK, so I am tagging Robin for sure......and geesh, everyone else I wanted to tag has the darn tag on their blog already......So, Robin, you're it for now...
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