I'm home from work today getting ready for my trip to St. Thomas tomorrow morning....hubby and I actually

got the hotel free for doing a tour in Puerto Rico last year so this is kind of a freebie in my mind. We've made stops in St. Thomas on cruises in the past but never actually stayed there so this will be a nice holiday. It's really only a 5 dayer but it's sure nicer than being in NJ for 5 days
Got my tootsies and fingernails done, got my suitcase packed, and even have plastic bagsthat the newspaper comes in packed, to cover my arm since the cast is coming with me :( The doctor thought I was crazy yesterday thinking after 3 weeks I'd be thinking the cast was coming off....
He did promise me that he'd take it off on

the 19th so I have that to look forward to.
As I was sitting here checking email and blogs I saw the mail girl come up to the porch and put some packies outside the door so I went out and opened them....Yowzer!!! Good mail day for me!!!
I got 2 patterns from Robin, thanks Robin, I love Crabapple Hills stuff!

I got my Snow Days BOM kit, I'm also doing the Vintage Trick or Treat as a pretend BOM with some friends so I ord
ered the black/tan dot and the orange border fabrics from Nan, who is the BOM coordinator at the shop where I get the Snow Days BOM, and while driving Sarah back to college I was peeking thru the Hancock of Paducah catalog and had seed "Happy" by Jennifer Heynen in it.
I didn't order it back then but in browsing Etsy I'd seen a bundle
of it at a great price so I ordered that too... So, all in all, a GREAT mail day for me.
I'm also wondering if anyone out there in blogland has any of the Sand and Surf fabric in their stash from Michele D'Amour, that they'd like to sell or swap some fabric for? I've made 2 quilts from that line, both were for young brides this year and I still have a little left but not enough of a variety to really make much with. If you have any of this fabric and want to "make a deal", email me.